Conditions were again perfect for the handicap race over the undulating Killynure Hill. Seventeen racers turned up and after the briefing, which stated that drafting was not allowed, Heather Bamford was the hare we all had to chase down.
Bunching was inevitable as there were only 20 seconds separating some groups of five riders, however all seemed to abide by the drafting rule and there were no complaints at the end.
Victory went to Pat O’Hare, who held off John McManus by 16 seconds. The current number one ranked male triathlete in Ireland came third, holding off Enda by only 2 seconds.
Joanne Bingham, who incidentally is also the current number one ranked female triathlete in Ireland, won the ladies race.
Thanks to Desi for taking the time to work out the handicaps, to Damian Eaneatta, and to Marty from QUB for sharing the time-keeping duties.
Pat O’Hare and Niall Magee have kindly volunteered to do the time keeping at the next race on the 7th July.
Remember the summer social on Wednesday 1st July at The Chelsea on the Lisburn Road. Edna, who is touring round France on his bike for the next six weeks, is bringing along his maps to show us some of the mountains he is planning to conquer.
Pos Name Finish Hcap Actual Time
1 Pat O'Hare 25.38 3.55 22.33
2 John McManus 25.54 3.5 22.04
3 Glen Pollock 26.16 5.2 20.58
4 Enda Marron 26.18 6.45 19.43
5 Bill Rafferty 26.2 5.15 21.05
6 B Loughbridge 26.21 5.05 21.16
7 Peter McGuicken 26.25 3 23.25
8 Davy Calvert 26.37 3.1 23.27
9 Joanne Bingham 26.41 2.3 24.11
10 Tony McNulty 26.59 5.15 21.44
11 Edward Heaney 27.04 3.55 23.49
12 Mark Brown 27.12 6.55 20.57
13 Ed Smith 27.19 3.2 23.59
14 Niall Magee 27.3 2.45 24.51
15 Ricky Cowan 28.16 3.4 24.46
16 Heather Bamford 29.1 1.3 27.48
17 Kevin Morgan 31.09 5.05 26.04