Sunday, 28 June 2009

Handicap times for Kilynure, Tue 30th June

First across the line is the winner...

Everyone must know their start time and be in line ready to go. The start times are as follows:

1 Kate Smith 1.00
2 Heather Bamford 1.30
3 Emma Kerr 1.45
4 Maeve Savage 2.05
5 Joanne Bingham 2.30
6 Maeve Cahill 2.35
7 Niall Magee 2.45
8 Willie Noteman 2.45
9 Seamus Linden 3.00
10 Peter McGuicken 3.00
11 Davy Calvert 3.10
12 Ed Smith 3.20
13 Carl King 3.35
14 Ricky Cowan 3.40
15 John McManus 3.50
16 Erwin Cameron 3.50
17 Ciarn Hanratty 3.55
18 Pat O'Hare 3.55
19 Peter Hanvey 4.00
20 jim Cooke 4.15
21 Sean Bradley 4.40
22 Peter Swann 4.45
23 B Loughbridge 5.05
24 Kevin Morgan 5.05
25 Colm Hanratty 5.05
26 Tony McNulty 5.15
27 Bill Rafferty 5.15
28 Stephen McKay 5.15
29 Glen Pollock 5.20
30 Gerry O'Neill 5.25
31 PJ McQuillan 5.30
32 Damien Eaneatta 5.40
33 Vaughan Purnell 5.50
34 Trudy Brown 6.05
35 Derek Patterson 6.05
36 Enda Marron 6.45

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Hill Ballynahinch - Carryduff (23rd June 2009)

You won't get much better weather than tonight in this country. The course this week was a straight climb from Ballynahinch to Carryduff, finishing at Cyril Johnstons. Incidentally Cyril has an electric fence which one or two discovered when they went for a premature "lean".

He might be "King of the Tuckshop" but Damien the last few weeks has been setting some great times. Maybe his two stints with Enda in the 2UPs explain the improvement or more likely the school tuckshop ran out of stock.

Well done to newcomer Mark Brown for setting the fastest time and Teresa for being the fastest lady.

Next week is a handicap race at everyones favorite, Killynure. Please check this website before next Tue for a list of the handicap start times.

Remember that there is DRINKS next week in the Chelsea on Wed. Come along and say goodbye to Bing who is leaving Belfast for the wild country.


1 Mark Brown 15.11
2 Nigel Somers 16.21
3 Damien Eaniatta 16.48
4 Desi McHenry 17.24
5 Vaughan Purnell 17.25
6 PJ McQuillan 17.37
7 Marty Lennon 18.11
8 Tony McNulty 18.13
9 Glen Pollock 18.27
10 Sean Bradley 18.34
11 Ricky Cowan 19.16
12 Peter McGuicken 19.26
13 Ed Smith 19.26
14 Davy Calvert 19.32
15 Conor Reilly 19.34
16 Carl King 19.46
17 Teresa Monroe 20.47
18 Willie Noteman 31.44

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Carryduff - Ballygowan Race 6 (16th June 2009)

Everyone seems well race fit at the minute with a few triathlon's in the bag. Some good times posted and very competitive, especially in the 30min to 33min grouping.

Good to see Heather back on the bike after a bad fall during the Wicklow 200.

Congratulations to Desi on his recent European Triathlon Championship age-group win in Zurich; you are frustratingly inspiring for one your age. Forget aero helmets, Desi was sporting some "sexy" knee high socks tonight which seemed to give him an extra minute.

I was just home 15mins tonight and Glen phones asking if I had logged on and updated the site thats Ironic - somebody should write a song. At least he did have some good news in that you are all welcome to come along for some DRINKS in the Chelsea Wine Bar at 8pm on the Wed 1st July. No particular reason other than being social.

Also, the missing results are now posted in the archives on the right hand side.

Thanks to Peter and Ricky (with impeccable ex-school teacher block writing) for the timekeeping.

The results:

1 Enda Marron 29.18
2 Desi Mchenry 30.25
3 Derek Patterson 31.02
4 Trudy Brown 31.04
5 Damien Ennetta 31.1
6 Stephen McKay 31.5
7 Bill Rafferty 32
8 B Loughbridge 32
9 Vaughan Purnell 32.03
10 Colm Hanratty 32.08
11 Kevin Morgan 32.31
12 Pat O'Hare 33.23
13 Ciaran Hanratty 33.36
14 Glen Pollock 33.44
15 John McManus 34.15
16 Carl King 34.2
17 Ed Smyth 34.47
18 Seamus Linden 35.02
19 Niall Magee 35.03
20 Maeve Cahill 36.28
21 Joanne Bingham 36.33
22 Emma Kerr 37.3
23 Heather Bamford 39

Temple Garage 2UP (9th June 2009)

Conditions were again perfect for the second 2Up of the season on the Temple-Saintfield-Temple route. Considering the sun was shining and not a breath of wind to be found, it was surprising that only 14 turned up. I put the low turn out down to the fear factor of being drawn with Edna.

Desi, who was acting as timekeeper, drew the names and Damian’s face was a picture as he was once again drawn with Edna. He is still convinced that the draw was rigged.

First place was no surprise as Edna and Damian posted a blistering time of 27.20. Well done also to Peter McGuicken, Bill Rafferty and Ricky Cowan and myself, who finished second and third respectively

Next race on the 16th June is the Carryduff, Ballygowan, Carryduff route.

1 Damien Eannetta 27.2
Enda Mallon
Glen Pollock

2 Bill Rafferty 30.07
Peter McGuicken

3 Glen Pollock 30.25
Ricky Cowan

4 Sean Bradley 30.57
Ed Smith

5 Davy Calvert 31.22
Jim Cooke

6 Peter Hanvey 31.41
Brian Loughbridge

7 Kate Smith 31.49
Ciarn Hanratty

Killynure Hill Race 5 (2nd June 2009)

Conditions were perfect for the short but sharp 7.6 miles Killynure Road, out and back. The cloudless skies, with not a breath of wind, brought out the fair weather cyclists Bill Rafferty and PJ McQuillan.

There was a good turn out with 20 racers ready to do battle and to set a new PB, after the first Killynure race on the 7th April, when a stiff headwind meant Edna was the only person to post a sub 23 minute time.

In first place was Damian Eannetta, which was a surprise, as he is no stranger to the tuck shop! I still do not know how he managed to carry all that extra weight up the inclines and post such a respectable time. P.J McQuillan must also get a mention in dispatches as he finished a close second, only 9 seconds behind Damian. As a fair weather cyclist, I reckon he must have solar panels fitted to provide extra energy. I was pleased with my third place and way, way back in fourth place was a seething Bill Rafferty.

The ladies race was very close with Maeve Cahill finishing just 3 seconds ahead of Joanne Bingham.

Thanks to Desi and Edna who volunteered to be timekeepers.

Next week is a 2up race with the names drawn from a hat by Desi. (Will Damian be ‘drawn’ with Edna again?) If you wish to volunteer to time-keep, please post a message on the Lunchtime Legends message board

1 Damien Eannetta 21.32
2 PJ McQuillan 21.43
3 Glen Pollock 21.52
4 Bill Rafferty 21.58
5 Colm Hanratty 22.25
6 Sean Bradley 22.31
7 Jim Cooke 22.59
8 Peter Hanvey 23.16
9 Ed Smith 23.56
10 Davy Calvert 24.07
11 Erwin Cameron 24.21
12 Seamus Linden 24.23
13 Ricky Cowan 24.26
14 Willie Noteman 24.31
15 Maeve Cahill 24.41
16 Joanne Bingham 24.44
17 Ciarn Hanratty 25.02
18 Carl King 25.26
19 Heather Bamford 25.46
20 Kate Smith 26.18

Carryduff - Ballygowan Race 4 (26th May 2009)

There was a good turn out again, despite the breezy conditions and rain showers. The early starters had an advantage as they missed the rain and the accompanying increase in the head wind, which was a factor on the home straight from Moneyreagh to the finish.

Honours again go to Enda Marron, who for the first time took over 30 minutes on this course. Performance of the night must go to Desi McHenry, who was just under a minute behind Enda. His good time was probably because he had rested up at lunchtime instead of doing his normal spin class! Third place went to Damien Eannetta and he was pleased as punch, considering he had barely been on the bike much over the winter as he was marathon training. At the beginning of the TT season, we thought Enda would be unbeatable but with Desi, coming within a minute a dink in his armour has been made. My money is on Vaughan with his new bike to give Enda some sleepless nights before the TT races wrap up in September.

On down the field there were quite a few close finish times and no doubt scores will attempt to be settled at the next outing at Killynure. If you would like to be a timekeeper, please register your interest on the Legends message board.

Stephen McKeown suffered bad luck just outside Ballygowan when his chain came off and got mangled – thanks to Jim Cooke for going to rescuing him. Stephen is off to compete in Ironman 70.3 in Switzerland in two weeks time so good luck for that one.

Finally, thanks to Willie Noteman and Heather Bamford for braving the elements and doing a great job in timekeeping.

1 Enda Marron 30.23
2 Desi McHenry 31.18
3 Damien Eannetta 31.3
4 Paul McGuire 31.41
5 Bill Rafferty 32.32
6 Brian Loughbridge 32.38
7 Glen Pollock 32.5
8 Jim Cooke 33.04
9 Gerry O'Neill 33.14
10 PJ McQuillan 33.16
11 John McManus 34.33
12 Tony McNulty 34.54
13 Peter McGuicken 35.09
14 Johnny Hooper 35.11
15 Davy Calvert 35.26
16 Carl King 35.55
17 Ricky Cowan 36.05
18 Peter Hunter 36.07
19 Ali McConnell 37.5
20 Emma Kerr 37.26
21 Stephen Mckeown DNF

Carryduff Handicap (12th May 2009)

In the first handicap race of the season, Ricky Cowan took top honours with Enda Marrow, the hot favourite, finishing down in 8th place. There can be no criticism of the handicaps set by Desi, as the finish times between 2nd and 14th place was only 56 seconds. The handicaps were based upon previous times over the same course and offset against Edna’s winning time a few weeks earlier.

Gerry O’Neill finished propped up the pile as he suffered a mechanical problem less than a mile from the finish.

Finally, thanks to Desi for setting the handicaps and doing timekeeper.

1 Ricky Cowan 35.23 7.4 27.43
2 David Calvert 34 5.4 28.2
2 Carl King 34.55 6.35 28.2
3 Bill Rafferty 32.47 4.2 28.27

4 Joanne Bingham 37.36 9.05 28.31
5 Maeve Savage 36.16 7.35 28.41
6 Tony McNulty 32.47 4.05 28.42
7 PJ McQuillan 33.13 4.3 28.43
8 Willie Noteman 34.3 5.35 28.55
8 Edna Marrow 28.55 0 28.55
9 Emma Kerr 36.07 7.1 28.57
10 Peter Swann 33.04 4 29.04
11 Heather Bamford 38.06 9 29.06
12 Colm Hanratty 32.55 3.45 29.1
13 Ed Smith 36.43 7.3 29.13
14 Sean Bradley 33.19 4.05 29.14
15 Johnny Hooper 36.25 6.5 29.35
16 Glen Pollock 32.51 3.05 29.46
17 Peter McGuickan 34.47 5.2 29.47
18 Niall Magee 35.34 5.45 29.49
19 Maeve Cahill 35.3 5.4 29.5
20 Kate Smith 38.18 7.25 30.53
21 Johnny Bolan 38.39 3.45 34.56
22 Gerry O'Neill 41.07 3.35 37.32

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Glen apathy and Hill Climb Update

Apologies for the lack of updates and results the last few weeks. This was entirely down to Glen who just seemed not to bother despite the computer training he recieved. He will now be under pressure to buy drinks at the prize giving party in the pub. Does everyone know Desi beat Glen in Athy and Camlough; just thought I would mention that!

Anyway, I should be able to get the last few results and post them here.

Please note the calendar has been updated for the 23rd June session. We will not do the Ulster Sprint Champs at Scrabo. Instead we are going to do an uphill sprint from Ballynahinch to the top of Carryduff Hill (just before Cyril Johnstones). The plan is to leave Carryduff around 6:30 and cycle down slowly as a group to the start. Alternatively people can just turn up at Ballynahinch.

No other news except I now have a carbon watch out!


TT Training 2019

2019 Rules

You must have a TI licence (a training licence is sufficient), be a member of a triathlon club and have working front AND rear lights on your bike. Cycling helmets are also mandatory. For events marked (ATH) - this means it is an athletes TT, meaning that no TT equipment should be used, such as TT bikes, TT bars, aero helmets etc. You can of course turn up with TT equipment, however, you should be prepared for general teasing and mickey taking as the penalty for doing so!

As we are riding on public roads, the rules of the roads apply. The committee have notified the PSNI of our plans for the season; being seen and riding safely are of paramount importance - these events are very enjoyable and will improve your time trialling, but we should all stay safe when participating in them and we all have a responsibility to ensure that this happens.



27 - Titanic (Head to head final)

3 - Drumbo Hill Climb