Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Temple - League #3 (24th April 2012)

"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong." - Oscar Wilde

It would be remiss of me not to point out a mistake in last weeks times. From careful analysis it looks like World Champ McHenry's time was recorded as a minute faster that it actually should have been! Since he does have a bus pass and we all generous to a fault it is only fair that the result should stand.

The ladies winner this week was Maeve Savage. Here is a photo of Maeve.
It seems strange such a socialite can become so camera shy. Maybe she did not want to recognised wearing QUBTri kit?

No surprises who came top in the mens league. However it was reported from a reliable source that it took quite a lot of squeezing for Mike to get into his skin-suit this week. Perhaps a case of one carb bar too many.

Performance of the night went to Peter Morrison who got a step on the podium (well, the grassy bank anyway) for the first time.

Three amigos:
Serious timekeeping:

If anyone found a silver gillet left behind please let me know and bring it along next week.


1 Maeve Savage     00:33:11
2 Emma Kerr        00:33:47
3 Mary Mackin      00:34:24
4 Aisling Allum    00:34:49
5 Heather Bamford  00:35:16
6 Katie Megaw      00:39:40
1 Mike Millar      00:26:21
2 Eamon Hill       00:27:22
3 Peter Morrison   00:27:53
4 Neville O'Neil   00:28:00
5 Matt Allum       00:28:13
6 Enda Marron      00:28:23
7 Anton McDonald   00:28:44
8 John McManus     00:28:47
9 Dave Lonnen      00:28:51
10 Davy Calvert    00:29:22
11 Gavin Browne    00:29:34
12 Glen Pollock    00:29:38
13 Kieran McVeigh  00:30:04
14 Desi McHenry    00:30:11
15 David Morrisey  00:30:27
16 Shane Quinn     00:30:38
17 Andrew Gilmore  00:30:57
18 Mark McLaughlin 00:31:14
19 Brian Kinsella  00:31:19
20 Mark Heron      00:31:50
21 Johnny Boylan   00:32:19
22 Peter McGuicken 00:33:17
23 Willie Noteman  00:33:48
24 Patrick Dewer   00:34:57
25 Johnny Megarry  00:35:03
26 Conor Currie    00:35:16
27 Carl King       00:44:47

Thanks to time keepers Peter, Aisling and Ed.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Carryduff Ballgowan - League #2 (17th April 2012)

For a Tuesday night training session there sure was a lot of interest in the times of other people.

A warm TT welcome goes to all the people making their debut tonight. Keep at it and your cycling is guaranteed to improve. This is the reason the TT league was started. Luckily the forecasted rain stayed away; however the air was chilly and not conducive to fast times.

Thanks to our series sponsor, McConvey Cycles. Please support the sponsor as much as you can because they really help make the league. Mike Millar, tonight's winner, works in McConveys on the Ormeau Road so if you want some cycling advice just ask for him. Mike is usually hidden away in the workshop and enjoys an excuse to get out.

Thanks again to the timekeepers Peter, Tracy, Ed and Wes. Normally we share the time keeping meaning "most" of us give us a night of training every so often. Hence having people help out like this is great.

It looks like we are in for some interesting "training" this season. Will Neville be able to beat that dogged pensioner McHenry? Will McVeigh be able to keep his nose ahead of Pollock?


1 Aisling Trainor 00:35:03
2 Ali McConnell 00:35:28
3 Emma Kerr 00:37:45
4 Heather Bamford 00:41:23

1 Mike Millar 00:28:17
2 Eamon Hill 00:28:57
3 Vaughan Purnell 00:29:01
4 Cormac McGarry 00:29:09
5 Matt Allum 00:30:08
6 Phil Wood 00:30:11
7 Peter Morrison 00:30:17
8 Enda Marron 00:30:18
9 Desi McHenry 00:30:42
10 Neville O'Neill 00:30:48
11 Conor McKenna 00:30:51
12 Anthony McDonald 00:30:56
13 David Calvert 00:31:14
14 Keiran McVeigh 00:31:27
15 Glen Pollock 00:31:28
16 Mark Millar 00:31:34
17 Eoin Lennon 00:31:34
18 Dave Lonnen 00:31:39
19 David Morrisey 00:31:52
20 Shane Quinn 00:31:52
21 Johnny Hooper 00:32:19
22 Clifford Rodgers 00:33:02
23 Colm Hanratty 00:33:11
24 Gareth Osborne 00:33:34
25 Mark McLaughlin 00:33:51
26 Mark Heron 00:34:07
27 PJ McQuillan 00:34:42
28 Johnny Fay 00:35:28
29 Andrew Gilmer 00:35:29
30 Johnny Boylan 00:35:43
31 Brian Kinsella 00:35:48
32 Conor Currie 00:36:28
33 Peter McGuicken 00:36:48
34 Paul McKernan 00:37:55
35 Stephen Flanagan 00:38:12

Friday, 13 April 2012

Time Trial League full

Announcement: The time trial league is now full. The maximum number of entries have now been taken.

It was said last year there would be pre-registration and this has been ongoing for the last number of weeks. Apologies for those who have missed out.

There is a critical mass for an event like this were over a certain number it does not work. Issues like safety on the road, management from an organisational point of view, car parking, social group size, toilets and the amount of time people have to wait at the start are all factors.

Maybe someone out there will start up another league, similar to the way the successfull park runs in Belfast have grown?

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Killynure - League Race #1 (10th April 2012)

Think back four months when you said "it's only December", then later "it's only January" and so on. Well "it's only April" now and the Time Trials have started.

Unfortunately it was a cold, damp evening with some hailstones flung down at the riders during the out and back Killynure route.

Watching from the sidelines were Wes Kettyle and Ed Smith who between can claim 1 fractured pelvis, 2 broken collar bones, 6 fractured ribs, 1 collapsed lung and 1 fractured scapula. These injuries are all from cycling crashes in the last 3 weeks. We hope they will be able to join the TT's later in the season.

Due to new rule changes for 2012 riders now have to have a rear light installed. After extensive wind tunnel testing over the winter most riders have opted for a seat post installation. Of course, those who have got themselves a spiffy TT bike with a spiffy TT seat post probably discovered tonight that their light fastening strap did not fit. The upshot of this was several £3000 pound TT bikes with rear lights messily cellotaped on.


1. Maeve Savage 24:05
2. Judith Lowry 24:28
3. Alison McConnell 25:13
4. Aisling Trainor 25:26
5. Emma Kerr 25:39
6. Aisling Allum 26:26
7. Katy Megaw 30:28

1. Vaughan Purnell 20:15
2. Eamon Hill 20:41
3. John McManus 21:01
4. Mat Allum 21:10
5. Phil Wood 21:37
6. Johnny Hooper 21:38
7. Mark Millar 21:59
8. Peter Morrison 22:25
9. Brian Kinsela 22:30
10. Glen Pollock 22:32
11. David Morrisey 22:53
12. Johnny Boylin 23:36
13. Clifford Rodgers 24:01
14. Frank Sharkey 24:14
15. Mark Herron 24:34
16. Jonathan Fey 24:50
17. Michael Davis 25:31
18. Peter McGuicken 25:35
19. Stephen Flanagan 26:46

Thanks to all the timekeepers.

Advert for the Invictus Easter Tri-camp: there are still a few places left. See here for information: http://sites.google.com/site/lunchtimelegends/invictus-tri-camp

(Unbelievably I seem to be the musical director for turbo sessions etc. and nobody has questioned it. This will be worth the admission price alone.)


Monday, 2 April 2012

First week instructions

Application forms have been coming in nicely over the last few weeks. Thanks to all those who have done this.
There will be no forms accepted on any Tue night.

For those new to the TT series here is what you need to do on the first night:
1) aim to arrive for 18:30
2) if driving you should park at the Carryduff Lay-by (not on Killynure)
3) switch on your rear light
4) proceed to the start on the Killynure Road by 18:45
5) sign the disclaimer form at the startline
6) take your place in the queue, remembering the number you will be assigned and do not block the road
7) cycle the course (it's out and back)
8) shout your number clearly to the timekeepers at the end

1) for the first week riders go in the order they sign on
2) there are no guests allowed this year
3) the numbers will be capped

TT Training 2019

2019 Rules

You must have a TI licence (a training licence is sufficient), be a member of a triathlon club and have working front AND rear lights on your bike. Cycling helmets are also mandatory. For events marked (ATH) - this means it is an athletes TT, meaning that no TT equipment should be used, such as TT bikes, TT bars, aero helmets etc. You can of course turn up with TT equipment, however, you should be prepared for general teasing and mickey taking as the penalty for doing so!

As we are riding on public roads, the rules of the roads apply. The committee have notified the PSNI of our plans for the season; being seen and riding safely are of paramount importance - these events are very enjoyable and will improve your time trialling, but we should all stay safe when participating in them and we all have a responsibility to ensure that this happens.



27 - Titanic (Head to head final)

3 - Drumbo Hill Climb