Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Carryduff to Ballynahinch turnaround (30th April 2013)

The "Carryduff to Ballynahinch turnaround" course took place on a dry but chilly evening. This TT presents an interesting test because there are no turns or "rest" sections; the riders have about 10 minutes recovery at the turnaround and an uphill pedal to the finish.

The star of the night was not a rider, but a timekeeper. Enda Marron, possibly time keeping for the first time ever, exceeded himself by providing buns and juice at the end of the training session. This gesture goes part way to make up for his sweary abuse of pensioner McHenry at the Temple TT briefing last week. Messrs Calvert and Hanratty were also heard to be muttering at said pensioner for entirely different reasons (the reason may be deduced by looking at the results).

Thanks to Mark Heron for writing last weeks TT blog. The ghost writer did a grand job with the report and even fooled some of the regular readers. Comments that it was an inferior knock off were mostly ignored. Heron had his opus fifth version of the report ready to publish but sadly missed the deadline.

Results are out split, in split and total time (sadly we cannot see Neville's lovely colour coded columns).

1    Paul Carroll         00:14:28    00:14:30    00:28:58
2    Peter Morrison       00:14:47    00:15:16    00:30:03
3    Mike Miller          00:15:05    00:15:17    00:30:22
4    Vaughan Purnell      00:15:13    00:15:32    00:30:45
5    Mark Miller          00:15:38    00:15:27    00:31:05
6    Gavin Browne         00:15:50    00:15:32    00:31:22
7    Eamon Hill           00:15:40    00:15:46    00:31:26
8    Chris Fleming        00:16:18    00:16:20    00:32:38
9    Desi McHenry         00:16:36    00:16:50    00:33:26
10    David Calvert       00:16:40    00:17:00    00:33:40
11    Colm Hanratty       00:16:46    00:17:06    00:33:52
12    Mark Heron          00:17:04    00:17:10    00:34:14
13    Matt Allum          00:16:52    00:17:23    00:34:15
14    Wes Kettyle         00:17:37    00:17:04    00:34:41
15    Alistair Sweetham   00:21:25    00:21:52    00:43:17

1    Maeve                00:18:39    00:18:25    00:37:04
2    Aisling T            00:19:17    00:19:05    00:38:22
3    Heather Bamford      00:19:54    00:19:31    00:39:25

Thanks to timekeepers Bill Rafferty, Neville O'Neil and Enda Marron.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Temple - League#3 (23rd April 2013)

Temple is defined as a structure reserved for religious or spiritual activities, such as prayer and sacrifice. On a calm Spring evening at Temple tonight, there many prayers being muttered as 23 riders lined up to "sacrifice " their honour and pursue their spiritual love for speed.

Aisling Trainor just back from recent injury claimed podium for the ladies, with Aisling Allum pursuing in second place. As proof, in case it was needed, as to the effort exerted in this "training" league, there were joint times in both ladies and men's. Emma Kerr and Maeve Ciesik cold not be separated in third place.

Paul Carroll scalped the opposition, in 25.02 although he wasn't sure if it was him or not being announced as "Paul Carlisle " at race start. Apologies from Mark ! The remaining men could hardly be separated with 3 riders claiming sub 27 mins and 3 more sub 29 mins. Peter Morrsion, with his winter training firmly behind him, produced a blisterin time of 26.02 to take second place and Vaughan, now "released " on his new Cannodale  TT bike came in just 18 seconds behind  in 3rd place. Mark Millar also produced the goods tonight with  26.41 and looks set for his best triathlon season yet. As in the ladies race there were joint times for Eamon Hill and Neville O'Neill and PB for Bill Rafferty.

Unfortunately tonight for Enda, his front mech let him down, "sacrificing " his podium position from last week. Thanks to Stephen  Smartt who stopped to help Enda, taking valuable minutes off his finishing time.

Next week is Ballynahinch. Please register online if not already done so as points can be added to the league. It was great to see so many at their first TT of the year tonight.

Finally, we wish both Dave and Judith happiness on their wedding day too! Congratulations !!!
As Desi and Vaughan explained there will be no  "2 UPs" this year. Little did they know that they could do nothing to stop the passionate love of 2 of the darlings of the TT league, Mr Lonnen, and Miss Lowry (for the time being) as they chase their own "2 UP the Aisle ".

[Mark Herron]

1. Aisling Trainor     32.09
2. Aisling Alum.       32.45
3. Emma Kerr           33.15
3. Maeve Ciesik.       33.15
5. Heather Bamford     34.26
6. Ali McConnell       34.43

1. Paul Carroll        25.02
2. Peter Morrison      26.02
3. Vaughan Purnell     26.20
4. Mark Millar         26.41
5. Neville O'Neill     28.12
5. Eamon Hill.         28.12
7. Dave Lonnen         28:27 
8. Bill Rafferty       28.43
9. Dessie McHenry      29.18
10. Davy Calvert       29.31
11. Glen Pollock.      29.42
12. Steve Begley.      31.15
13. Peter McGuckin     32.54
14. Stephen Smartt     33.54

Thanks to Wes and Mark Herron for time keeping. Also thanks to Ed for doing the math when the other two looked puzzled.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Online Entry and duties

The online entry is now active.


A duty rota will be posted shortly as people enter online. If you cannot make your allocated night it will be up to you to arrange someone else to do it.

The duties on the night, shared between 2-3 people,  are:
  • bringing the signs and equipment boxes to the sign on location
  • putting the road signs out
  • managing the disclaimer form at the start
  • managing the start list
  • starting the TT on time at 18:45, setting the riders off at 30 sec intervals
  • recording the times and numbers of riders finishing
  • passing the signs and equipment onto whoever is doing next week
  • entering the results into an excel spreadsheet and emailing this to Vaughan
  • race writeup [optional]
Please ask Desi where the road signs go.

If this seems like a lot it is not really when you break it down. We have 2 sessions this year with the QUB Tri club and the Summer BBQ. Two weeks are already done. Hence, if you take these out we only have about 17 weeks. No one should have to give up more than two sessions in the season.

Week 1 : Desi, Glen
Week 2: Vaughan, Alistair
Week 3: Wes, Mark Heron

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Carryduff - League#2 (16th April 2013)

Weather conditions were dry and breezy for the first TT of the year on the Carryduff - Ballygowan triangonal course.

Headlining the show tonight was Enda Marron. Marron was seen by many as the big star of yesteryear, regularly showboating his way around the TT courses. Last year however he struggled to find form but this season "Mr. Dolomite" clearly means business.

One first tonight was Neville O'Neil performing a warmup on the turbo trainer. Most people take a 400m spin for a warmup, if at all. The question is now how many people will bring their turbo next Tue evening?

Online entry will hopefully be active in the next day or two. The delay has been due to the Ulster Bank being completely incompetent. Details will be posted on this site.


1. Judith Lowry        33.18
2. Aisling Trainor     38.45

1. Enda Marron         28.58
2. Peter Morrison      29.16
3.  Mark Miller        29.30
4.  Neville O'Neil     29.40
5.  Eamon Hill         29.42
6.  Bill Rafferty      31.24
7.  Desi McHenry       31.36
8.  Connor McKenna     31.37
9.  Chris Fleming      31.40
9.   Tony Wilcox       31.40
10.  Dave Lonnen       31.56
11. Wes Kyttle         32.28
12. David Morrisey     32.36
13.  Mark Heron        32.41
14.  Glen Pollock      32.45
15.  Peter McGuickan   37.57
16.  Colin Preshaw     39.08

Thanks to time keepers: Vaughan and Alistair

Next week timekeepers are Mark Heron and Wes.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Killynure - League#1 (9th April 2013)

Like a Spring Blizzard the TT season sprung back into action on what was a chilly night.

Matt Allum in an effort to beat the cold looked very comfortable in a pair of 40 denier black tights. The "Predator" meets "Ziggy Stardust" look could be set to be this years fashion trend.

For anyone wondering why Vaughan's new TT bike finished mid field it was not the bike's fault. The bike in fact was great and it was Vaughan's calves that packed in 800m before the finish line.

"mighty oaks from little acorns grow" - Chaucer


1     Mark Millar       20:52
2     Gavin Browne      21:15
3     Tony Wilcox       22:13
4     Enda Marron       22:14
5     Matt Allum        22:37
6     Bill Rafferty     23:04
7     Mark Heron        23:20
8     Vaughan Purnell   23:21
9     David Morrissey   24:08
10    Adam Robinson     25:53
11    Conor Preshaw     26:28
12    Peter McGuicken   27:07
13    Alistair Sweetham 30:14

1     Emma Kerr          25:24
2     Claire McLearnon   26:09     

Thanks to the time keepers: Desi, Glen and Dave Lonnen.

Note: there will be a further post explaining how the duties will be shared out this year.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Season 2013 kickoff

Online Entry
It looks like we will not have the online entry ready in time for the first TT. There has been a delay with the bank concerning signatures. Hence for the first week do not bring your £25 - money will only be taken through the online system. The entry system should be in place for the second week; at this time only those entered through the online system may participate.

First night instructions
A couple of simple things to remember for the first TT at Killynure:
  • Arrive at the Carryduff layby for signon by 18:30 at the latest.
  • People driving should park at the Carryduff layby; we do not want anyone parking on the Killynure Road.
  • Have your TI license ready and rear light on the bike.
  • Only the first 50 sign-ons accepted. There is no holding of places for others. This will be the normal procedure this year.
  • Be ready to roll from the startline on the Killynure Road from18:45.
  • Remember your allocated number and shout it clearly at the timekeepers.
  • Cycle safely as you would on any normal open public road.
  • If overtaking another rider, give a shout to let them know you are coming past.
This is your mission should you choose to accept it.....

TT Training 2019

2019 Rules

You must have a TI licence (a training licence is sufficient), be a member of a triathlon club and have working front AND rear lights on your bike. Cycling helmets are also mandatory. For events marked (ATH) - this means it is an athletes TT, meaning that no TT equipment should be used, such as TT bikes, TT bars, aero helmets etc. You can of course turn up with TT equipment, however, you should be prepared for general teasing and mickey taking as the penalty for doing so!

As we are riding on public roads, the rules of the roads apply. The committee have notified the PSNI of our plans for the season; being seen and riding safely are of paramount importance - these events are very enjoyable and will improve your time trialling, but we should all stay safe when participating in them and we all have a responsibility to ensure that this happens.



27 - Titanic (Head to head final)

3 - Drumbo Hill Climb