Thursday, 19 October 2017

Prizegiving 2017

The prize giving was held in "Hoose Bistro" on 13th Oct. A tasty meal (along with BYO) was served up everyone had a good chance to catch up.

Thanks to Dave Kane Cycles bike shop for providing prizes.

The Prestigious League winners
1st girl  :  Geraldine

2nd girl : Ali

1st boy    Mark Millar
(Mark spoke to us on speaker phone just before Ironman in Florida)
2nd boy   Vaughan
3rd boy   Conor Preshaw
=             Peter McGuckin

Legends award: Geraldine

Most Improved: Kiwi

People's Choice: Conor Preshaw

Thanks to everyone who took part in 2017.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Drumbo Hill (5th Sep 2017)

A disappointing turn-out with only four athletes beating the end of season blues and making the start line. The horrendous conditions of heavy rain and blustery conditions at Sunday’s Titanic triathlon may have also had an impact on the numbers.

It was good to see Ali is making good progress on her road to recovery. Good luck to Desi who is travelling to Rotterdam next week to take part in the Olympic distance World Championship’s. 


Conor McGandy  1st climb: 7.56 2nd climb: 8.07 Total time 16.03
Glen Pollock 1st climb: 8.46 2nd climb: 9.10 Total time 17.56
Peter McGuicken 1st climb: 10.56 2nd climb: 10.13 Total time 21.09
Geraldine Sharkley 1st climb: 9.56 2nd climb: 10.04 Total time 20.00

Thanks to the time-keepers Desi, Enda and Ali

The committee will be in touch in the next few weeks to let you know details of the awards dinner.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Carryduff - league#12 (29th August 2017)

Mark Millar              27:03
Mark Hanna            30:53
Carl King                  33:21
Frank                        33:44
Paul Hetherington    33:49
Geraldine                34:15
Desi                         34:35
Peter McG              35:15
Steve Begley          DNF

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Killinchy news (22nd August 2017)

Update (Wed 23rd morning):
Cracked rib, very sore shoulder, bruises, cuts and grazes.
Ali will live to fight another day.
We wish her a speedy recovery.

Unfortunately the Ballygowan/Killinchy TT had to be abandoned when Ali was hit by a car pulling out of a side road.

Ali was naturally in a state of shock and had pain around the shoulder area.

Currently she is at the hospital being checked out and there will be an update here when there is more information.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Temple - league#10 (15th August 2017)

It was very much the case of localised weather with sections of the Temple course bone dry and other sections slippery wet.

A small bunch met at the Temple roundabout car park with the exception of Mr McGuckin who didn't read the last email and turned up in Ballygowen. Right location, just a week early.

Mr S, locked and loaded, turned the tables on seasons nemesis Mrs S, with a hard earned 9 second victory. The relief from Mr S was most palpable to all at the finish line (by the white Temple sign).

Last but not least, Kiwi's skinsuit stitching seems to be trying to hold on until the end of the season, and he gets a some sympathy for having the Hilly 125 in the legs.

There's only 3 TTs left this season; when they are done they are done and "winter is coming"!


Mark Millar     25:23
Vaughan         27:02
Conor McG       28:19
Frank S         30:51
Geraldine S     31:00
Carl King       31:36

Thanks to Gary for time keeping.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Killinchy - league#9

A beautiful sunny evening for the non-graveled, non road-worked route from Ballygowan to Killinchy.  Everyone arrived on time apart from the four who didn't. Not to name shame anyone but to be fair Carl probably started at 4.30 this afternoon getting into his shiny skin fusion one piece.  
Certain people seemed very keen to put their two cents in regarding the order of the start list. The rule is fastest first! This writers rhetorical question is if your told you're not good enough to be the first starter does it motivate you to train harder or do you just accept that's your permanent position lower down the echelons?  Sometimes though its just because certain people, (you know  who you are Glen and Conor P), simply want to chase certain other people!  

Vaughan           21.56
Conor McG      22.54
Glen                  24.07
Conor P            24.22
Carl                    24.57
Steve B             25.25
Paul H               25.27
Geraldine         25.50
Ali                      26.15
Peter McG        26.41
Frank                 27.05

Thanks to time keeper and guest blogger Emma K.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Temple - league#8

With the weather being so temperamental today it would have put a lot of people off doing anything this evening. Ten hardy souls showed up however, ten people who know that in years to come they won’t remember the nights spent in front of the tv but they’ll remember the simple joy of racing their friends on the Temple lap. They’ll remember the dread as they get out of work on a Tuesday knowing what’s ahead of them, the deliberation over what’s best to eat beforehand, the mild panic that they’ll miss the sign on. Then they will recall that sometimes it was the best night of the week, that the outfit was more important than the fuel, and sure it never started on time anyway. The LLTT is as much about the people as it is about the time. To everyone who shows up each week and gives it their all - here’s to you!

And here’s your results…

Mark Millar     25.30
Vaughan           27.44
Steve Begley    29.56
Conor P            30.04
Ali                    32.32
Peter McG        33.07
Desi                  33.32
Ita                     33.53
Gary                 36.13
Heather            36.36

Thanks to Paul for time keeping.

Thanks to guest blog from Emma K.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Temple 2LAP (25th July 2017)

The Temple crossroads has a nice new tarmacked parking space; complete with all mod cons including a wall to lean person or bike against. Yet the TT riders are seemingly insisting on using the garage car park. From the next Temple outing time penalties will be issued for riders not using the new facilities!

A nice enough evening with some low Sun provided riders double the value with two laps of the Temple course. Geraldine Sharkey has now broken Mr Sharkey completely and there will no coming back for Frank this season. There is no doubting who the GC rider is and who the domestique is on the weekend cycle runs.

Post TT, Mr. Henry provided the light entertainment with a high tariff dismount performance which consisted of a head first launch from the road on to grass verge while bringing the bike with him. Thankfully only the McHenry ego was bruised. Disappointingly there is no video footage.

A BIG thanks to Peter from Melbourne, Australia, who came all the way to Ireland to cover for a lack of marshals. It was Only Natural (Crowded House reference) that Peter at least stood on the right side of the road which is the left side.


Vaughan      00:56:38
Enda         00:57:24
Conor P      01:01:12
Paul H       01:02:00
Desi         01:06:00
Geraldine    01:06:02
Frank        01:07:51
Peter McG    1 lap

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Killynure - league#7 (4th July 2017)

As we approach a well earned break in the middle TT calendar where we've had the Middle road diversion, the Pit stop at Ballygowan, and the disappearance of VP (missing persons report has been filed) to name a few it was nice to see a night at the TT pass off without incident - that was until Ms McConnell decided to walk the hills of Killynure after dropping a chain (there's always one). Mr Pollock also seemed to enjoy himself, rumoured to be venting any frustrations these days on kit suppliers via social media, the whinging was kept to a minimum.  

On a calm overcast evening Mark M and Peter M topped the board with only 9 seconds separating them followed by Enda in 3rd. Ali was the only lady representative on the night and takes the female honours.

Results below:
Mark M         18:47
Peter M         18:56
Enda             21:13
Glenn            23:39
Desi              24:49
Peter McG    24:59
Ali                 26:44
Gary             27:40
Thanks to Heather & Conor P for timekeeping

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Carryduff - league#6 (27th July 2017)

For another adventure on the Carryduff- Ballygowan circuit.

Bit of wind, threatening to rain (but didn’t), clammy at the start….but didn’t notice it thereafter. Minds were elsewhere I suspect! Mark Millar was the top dog for the evening, closely followed by Messrs’ Morrison and Kane.

Mark Hanna demonstrated his superiority to the next group, many of whom allegedly “had to stop at the roadworks”

Aye the roadworks……. Geraldine even stopped for a break there and still did enough to show hubby who is boss. Although I said Mark was top dog, we’ll refine a male canine reference for the top lady too.! (the other alternative references don’t work too well :-)

Well done all.
Thanks to Carl for stepping into the breach / hot seat to make it all possible and timekeeping…Have a great hol…too.

Mark Millar            26.32
Peter Morrison         26.40
Mark Kane              26.49
Mark Hanna             29.40
Cathal Quinn           29.39
Conor McGandy          30.25
Paul Hetherington      31.57
Conor Preshaw          32.13
Geraldine Sharkey      33.27
Desi McHenry           33.30
Frank Sharkey          33.40
Gary Hazlett           38.15

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Temple - league#5 (13th June 2017)

The first Post-election Temple TT

Mid-point - Week 11 out of a 21 week calendar…. where the rubber hits the road….

There was an early assembly at the usual spot in the filling station. With Ramesh, as MC calming the participants, while Geraldine was out doing a pre-course reccy (ok maybe not). She had decided to experiment, and park at the new roundabout, and let the excitement build before Desi couriered the sign-up sheet to get things moving.

Relaxed anticipation filled the pleasant, slightly balmy air, with little if any wind. Aficionados (from Mexico) said it was a perfect night for a TT. After the timekeepers had got the bike-sheep rounded up, signups complete and call out order ready, we noticed a svelte machine flying up the other side of the road. Looked uncannily like Mr Kiwi. On closer inspection one could see Carl in go-faster Onesie: a suit enough to make any man jealous…

Considered by some as a 4 way handicapped team event between D- Kaners, Café Velo and Olympian A & B. the teams were split to ensure no team tactics could be at play. In the end it was the mixed Olympian Mixed team of Heather, Gary and Desi that won the team tussle.

In other results, Neville had the standout performance just 1 sec off Mark K, and Mark Millar a close 3rd…and some strong performances further back. Besides the rumour that there was a new spectator out on the course, there was speculation that Glen, Vaughan and a few others met at the roundabout, and saw no one else and went home.(You were missed J)

Thanks to Ramesh and Geraldine for keeping us safe, and taking times….

Good night had by all.
Mark Kane             24.11
Neville O’Neill       24.12    
Mark Millar           24.38
Peter Morrison        24.49
Richard Graham        26.14
Mark Hanna            27.04
Enda Marron           27.12
Cathal Quinn          27.43
Conor Preshaw         28.58
Steve Begley          29.43
Carl King             30.23
Frank Sharkey         31.41
Peter McGuckin        32.53
Desi McHenry          34.15
Heather Bamford       35.13
Gary Hazlett          36.50
[Frank Sharkey]

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Temple 2LAP (7th June 2017)

The big one

Six intrepid adventurers chose to go into the wild, to go where few had gone before. Despite advice from friends and foe alike they went in pursuit of their dream of conquering “the big one.” Doing what most said, couldn’t and shouldn’t be done.

It was a wild evening where all forecasts were subject to microcosmic variations and inextricably low levels of accuracy. (Some would say that the weather changed every few minutes while a possible storm was brewing.) The ultimate test of the brave and hard cyclist was reaching a crescendo. Would the storm descend and extinguish the fire of all the cyclists in its path, or would it pass with a mere whimper, or something in between?

Six brave man-machines, with varying degrees of risk appetite flowing through their veins, chose to go into the unknown. Their search for inner glory was reflected in their weapon of choice. There was the full spectrum from full disc back wheels and deep-ish rim fronts, from standard handle bars to time trial aeros. Twas only a training night, but what a night. Some had fought in previous battles only 2 and 3 days before, and were already battle weary, but still adrenalin hungry. The chance and challenge of riding on such a night and the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the inner-winner, is a prize that few can truly understand and appreciate. These now immortal, hard men, can say I was there that night….and survived.

Respect commands itself and it can neither be given nor withheld when it is due.” 
(Eldridge Cleaver….apparently)

Well done chaps.
And thanks to the Gurkhas…for timekeeping and marshaling. (Geraldine, Carl and Frank)

Pic below of the (4 legged) spectators, who lined up in awe also. Now we know them all by name!



Mark Millar       53.24
Peter Morrison   55.00
Enda Marron      58.24
Steve Begley      67.10
Conor Preshaw   31.24 (1)
Mark Hanna       33.20 (1)

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Killynure - league#4 (30th May 2017)

Report card

Vaughan   A-
Could do better. Needs to work harder outside 
of the TT.

Conor M   A+
Continues to show progress. Well done!

Conor P   B+
Slipping behind some of his classmates. More 
focus required.

Frank     A-
A steady learner and able to stay ahead of 

Geraldine A+
Determined and hard worker. Keep it up.

Ali       B+
Easily distracted by outside temptations 
but a pleasant student.

Peter     A+
Cheery demeanor and adapts well to different 

Steve     B+
Shows flashes of brilliance. More consistency 

Desi      A- 
Excellent self achiever. Could listen to 
classmates more.

Note: there are no failures in the School of TT!


Vaughan Purnell     20:05
Conor McGandy       20:35
Conor Preshaw       22:01
Frank Sharkey       23:20
Geraldine Sharkey   23:40
Ali McConnell       24:40
Peter McGuckin      24:45
Steve Begley        24:49
Desi McHenry        25:06

Thanks to timekeepers Gary and Glen (who gave up his session at the last minute to marshal the turnaround).

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Carryduff - league#3 (16th May 2017)

Twas a fine evening in May
The farmers were making da hay
With some traffic on the roads
People rushing to their abodes
And de cyclists working to explodes.

Mark Hanna timed his warm up to perfection and demonstrated the value of spending an hour on rollers before the main burst.
(OK  some poetic licence here….maybe that why I put the verse in first)
He took the secondary honours for the session, pipping Enda and Cathal by seconds…to claim triathlete glory for the evening.

In the GC……Adam flew round the slightly windy circuit in 26.00 Flat,  putting Mark K off the top spot for the evening, but only by a whisper.

Talking about whispers….. Just last weekend in Belfast……

"A piece of the M1 and a piece of the Knock Dual carriageway were enjoying a drink in the Botanic Inn Pub,
and in walks a piece of red tarmac (probably from around the Belvoir to Shaw’s bridge road)
The bit of motorway whispers to the bit of Carriageway,
"Come on, lets drink up, before the trouble starts;  He’s a bit of a Cyclepath."



Adam Skeet                      26.00
Mark Kane                        26.05
Mark Millar                      27.22
Peter Morrison                27.37
Richard Graham              28.38
Mark Hanna                     29.33
Enda Marron                    29.37
Cathal Quinn                    29.38
Conor Preshaw                31.37
Carl King                            33.00
Paul Hetherington           33.20
Manus O’Reilly                 34.01
Geraldine Sharkey           34.11
Peter McGuckin               34.56

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Harbour Estate 6 laps (9th May 2017)

Six "hot" laps in the harbour estate

A nice change of scenery and a great training session that allowed no let up on the pedals. Unfortunately a new call centre had a shift change at 7pm resulting in one too many cars on the road - an unintended knock-on effect of lowering corporation tax! The butterfly effect in action!

victos viderent venerunt


Conor Preshaw     30:52
Carl King         31:58
Paul Hetherington 32:35
Manus O'Reilly    33:14
Peter McGuicken   33:36
Geraldine Sharkey 33:41
Frank Sharkey     33:45
Ali McConnell     34:27
Gary Hazlett      36:48

Thanks to time keepers Vaughan (on bells) and Glen.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Ballygowan - Killinchy (25th April 2017)

"By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes" 
 - Will Shakespeare

It certainly was a wicked wind that exercised the riders during the inaugural Ballygowan TT. However, the artic blue sky and smooth tarmacked roads all added to an enjoyable change of greenery scenery.

Sergeant major Marron continued his flying start to the season. And when Marron is happy then all cyclists everywhere are happy! Marron also found the energy to drill (panting) cadet Hazlett over the finish line.

Remember next week the start time changes to 7pm in order to try and let the outbound city traffic die down. For those of you who turn up late please aim for your usual 6:45pm start!


Mark Millar           21.27
Enda Marron           21.47
Vaughan Purnell       22.16
Conor Preshaw         24.18
Carl King             25.34
Desi                  26.55
Peter McG             27.34
Geraldine S           27.40
Heather B             28.40
Gary Hazlett          30.48

Thanks to the excellent time keepers Cathal and Emma S. Definitely the most proficient so far this season!

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Killynure - league#1 (18th April 2017)

There was a cold easterly headwind greeting the nine riders, who did well to be allowed out to play on Easter Tuesday.

Double congratulations to Mark Millar for a sub 20 time and for getting married this Saturday. Enjoy your last few days of freedom Mark.


Mark Millar 19.51
Mark Hanna 20.56
Conor Preshaw 22.07
Enda Marron   22.32
Glen Pollock 22.40
Peter McGuickan 24.56
Gary Hazlett 27.53

Geraldine Sharkey 25:00
Ali McConnell 26.06

Time keepers were Desi and Steve Begley.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Ballynahinch Out and Back (11th April 2017)


1 Adam Skeet        13.42 15.23 29.05
2 Mark Kane         13.39 15.50 29.29
3 Richard Graham    14.24 16.46 31.10
4 Vaughan Purnell   14.52 17.11 32.03
5 Cathal Quinn      15.12 18.01 33.13
6 Conor McGandy     15.22 18.02 33.24
7 Graham Cross      15.53 18.26 34.19
8 Conor Preshaw     16.16 19.27 35.43
9 Paul Hetherington 16.45 20.22 37.07*
10 Steve Begley     17.59 20.18 38.17
11 Gary Hazlett     19.15 24.10 43.25
12 Mark Hanna       DNF

1 Geraldine Sharkley 18.19 21.32 39.51
2 Ali McConnell      19.48 23.30 43.18

* estimated

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Killynure - athletes TT (4th April 2017)


Peter+Morrison    00:20:13
Conor+McGandy     00:21:42
Enda+Marron       00:21:52
Vaughan+Purnell   00:21:53
Stephen+Begley    00:22:50
Conor+Preshaw     00:23:10
Karl+King         00:23:28
Emma+Sharkey      00:23:48
Manus+O'Reilly    00:23:55
Peter+McGuckin    00:24:36
Frank+Sharkey     00:24:45
Geraldine+Sharkey 00:25:00
Desi+McHenry      00:26:15
Gary+Hazlett      00:28:00

Thanks to time keepers Glen and Ramesh.

Monday, 6 February 2017

2017 news

Entrycentral is now open for 2017.

The calendar is now available.

Note some changes to the start times on the calendar. At beginning and end of season the start time will be the usual 6:45pm. This time will then change to 7:00pm for the mid season when hopefully there will be less cars on the course. It's all about avoiding traffic.

An "athlete's TT" means no TT bikes, no aerobars, no aero helmets, no skinsuits and no disc wheels! In other words, use your ordinary Sunday ride road bike.

TT Training 2019

2019 Rules

You must have a TI licence (a training licence is sufficient), be a member of a triathlon club and have working front AND rear lights on your bike. Cycling helmets are also mandatory. For events marked (ATH) - this means it is an athletes TT, meaning that no TT equipment should be used, such as TT bikes, TT bars, aero helmets etc. You can of course turn up with TT equipment, however, you should be prepared for general teasing and mickey taking as the penalty for doing so!

As we are riding on public roads, the rules of the roads apply. The committee have notified the PSNI of our plans for the season; being seen and riding safely are of paramount importance - these events are very enjoyable and will improve your time trialling, but we should all stay safe when participating in them and we all have a responsibility to ensure that this happens.



27 - Titanic (Head to head final)

3 - Drumbo Hill Climb