Nicola undertook timekeeping duties for the first time. Not one to settle on what has gone before she made the suggestion that riders could shout their own times at the finish. Oh what a night of PBs that would have been. In the end the traditional way of timekeeping was taken and once the discovery made that mins only update every 60 seconds it was plain sailing. Everyone got home safety and got a pretty accurate time (thanks to the use of mobile phone technology for doing time subtraction - and to think astronauts made it to the moon 50 years ago with less computing power!).
Worthy call out to Stevo (ex-QUBTRI, ex-Invictus) who turned up from nowhere and posted a solid time on a road bike.
Keep on movin'
Keep climbin'
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about — it's all about the climb
- Miley C
Vaughan 20.02 Stevo 21.06 Conor P 22.43 Adam 23.39 Ronnie 23.45 Mark G 24.02 Peter McG 24.28 Michelle 25.45 Emma K 26.28
Thanks to time keepers Nicola and Mal.